Woodcutter's Revival Read online

  A Novel by Jerry Slauter



  Illustrations by Scott Wiley

  Copyright ©2012

  Jerry Slauter. All Rights Reserved

  Woodcutter’s Revival

  Printed in the United States of America

  ISBN: 978-0-6156830-2-7

  Library of Congress Control Number: 2012945895

  Illustrations: Scott “Doc” Wiley | www.wileystudio.com

  Layout: Wendy K. Walters | www.palmtreeproductions.com

  All Rights Reserved. This book is protected by the copyright laws of the United States of America. This book may not be copied or reprinted for commercial gain or profit. The use of short quotations is permitted. Permission will be granted upon request. The author guarantees all contents are original and do not infringe upon the legal rights of any other person or work. Illustrations may not be reproduced in any form for any reason.

  Prepared for Publication By

  Palm Tree Publications is a Division of Palm Tree Productions


  PO BOX 122 | KELLER, TX | 76244

  Contact the Author:


  email: [email protected]


  For Hannah, Hailey and Meliah




  The Journey Begins


  The Trail Divides




  The Mountain Top


  Raymond in Discovery


  The Essence


  Raymond and Leadership




  Raymond Goes to Wellspring




  The Departure




  Raymond Had a Plan


  Stewart Grows With the Job


  The Trials of Life


  Life and Death in Discovery




  About the Author

  About the Illustrator

  Promote Woodcutter’s Revival


  My many acknowledgements go out to the following people who have been instrumental in the completion of Woodcutter’s Revival:

  My wife, Barb, has been the most influential contributor. She encouraged me through all of the valley’s and mountain peaks of my life – all which were loosely based within the book. Not only did she live through these situations and encourage me, she ‘put up with me’ all these years. Barb has also been the one who knew of the project from the beginning and has continued to motivate me to finish it.

  Gayle Schloesser has been a pastor and spiritual leader. Several of her teachings and research provided material to inpire some of the scenarios described in the later portions of the book. Gayle has also been one of the primary proof readers.

  Of course, Scott spent over 360 hours illustrating the Woodcutter’s Revival. The quality and connection to the story are obvious. Scott also contributed in forty years of friendship where we learned that people do grow and learn through conversations and long walks in Muncie, Marion, Anderson, Lafayette and Fort Wayne, Indiana. There were also some hikes into the Shenandoah Mountains along the Appalachian Trail in Virginia.

  Dixie Wiley has posted the illustrations on their web site. She has also put up with both illustrator and author throughout the entire production and publishing process.

  Tim and Shannon also did a major task in proofreading the early manuscripts. Shannon has also been willing to coach me in social media marketing. Micah and Melinda are always available to assist with my many technological issues. Why is it that adults are hindered by the computer and the information technology, while the youth can adapt in a natural seamless connection?

  Alisha Burnette read the book and asked if she could share it with her mom. He mom then wanted to share it with Alisha’s God mother. Alisha has provided encouragement, insight and assistance for setting-up my web site.

  Wendy Walters has also been an encouragement and offered fantastic technical advice as the publisher. It has been inspiring to have somebody dedicated to the success of the writer, who is also knowledgeable in publishing books.

  Chapter One



  These were times when it was common for young men to leave the farm to seek a better life. Farms had come on hard times. Stewart Taylor and Raymond Warren knew the farms would no longer support the large families who had once worked them. Farms, in general, were either advancing into the Steam Age and needed fewer people or were being foreclosed upon.

  They had been on the trail now about a week since Labor Day. They wanted to get an earlier start, around mid August, but felt they were needed to stay and help harvest the crops. The two, united by proximity and boyhood memories had sweated the furrows, put up hay, fed the chickens, and milked the cows. Both had survived the drudgery and the weather that was always too hot, too cold, too wet or too dry.

  They had spent their entire lives in the valley. It was a unique western agricultural valley that averaged seven thousand, five hundred feet in elevation. They could see the mountains running north and south as they looked east or west from any point in the valley. Looking east from their home, they could see seven peaks of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains that were over fourteen-thousand feet and were snowcapped the year around. Looking west they could see the San Juan Mountains. Although they could see the mountains every day, they never had time to venture into them.

  From the valley, Stewart loved to watch the sun rise over the Sangre de Cristo range. Some mornings the effects of the sun left the valley shaded and dark with the foothills resembling gray clouds. The illuminated mountains gained a red glow with each peak being very distinguishable. The clouds reflecting the morning sun from above and north showed a magenta sky with an azure background and gray borders. It was an image that he would carry in his memory, wherever he went.

  They had different motives for leaving home and making this journey. Raymond was seeking his fortune. He knew he would strike it big. Although he did not like change, he was willing to suffer the inconvenience of uprooting and the unpredictable nature of the move in order to obtain his wealth. Raymond convinced himself that things would work out as he had hoped.

  Stewart was a rugged optimist who looked for the adventure. He already missed his family but viewed the journey as a chance to see new things, meet new people and experience life. Stewart knew things would work out fine. Even if his tentative plans did not go exactly as he envisioned, he would make the most of whatever situation in which he found himself.

  They were walking at a quick tempo, quiet, except for the sound of boots plodding against the earth. It was a brisk pace for having walked most of the day. They did not mind the fatigue or the uncertainty of not knowing how much further they might have to walk to find a suitable place to make camp for the night.

  The two had known each other and played and worked together since early childhood. Their parents’ farms had adjoined each other and they had been companions then, as now. They might have found themselves as traveling companions more by chance then by choice.

  They considered themselves to be more like
brothers than friends. Brothers have been best friends, but were placed together more by fate and genetics than preference. They also shared the common problem of the farm’s inability to support large families. Whether or not they were best friends – they really did not know very many other young people - so they were traveling together.

  Stewart was the elder of the pair by three years. He was ruggedly handsome with a large, square jaw and chin. His nose protruded as far in front of his face as his chin. Under Stewart’s wavy hair was a high forehead with a protruding brow. His individual features would have appeared ordinary or out of place. Together, however the features appeared to fit together and enhance one another.

  Stewarts’ frame was large, but not disproportionate. His lean, sinewy arms and calloused hands gave the appearance of having worked hard for many of his young years. In spite of his rugged appearance, he had a soft, charming, childlike smile and reflective demeanor. The lengthy, brisk walk did not seem to tire his long legs, dull his wit or dampen his enthusiasm.

  Raymond was slightly shorter than Stewart and considerably lighter in build. Raymond had no striking features, but was attractive. Nothing looked out of place. Raymond was not as excited about the journey as Stewart. He knew he could trust Stewart.

  He wanted to leave the farm someday, but would not have left it at this time except that Stewart might be the only person who would be going through the mountains. Raymond did not want to settle in the small rural community that was twenty miles from the farm. He convinced himself that he had to leave the familiar countryside to strike it rich, although he did not yet know how.

  The two had made small talk most of the way until late afternoon, when they were conserving their breath just to keep going. Stewart noticed that the small talk seemed to be a facade so as not to reveal too much about themselves or their hopes and ambitions. Stewart thought how little he actually knew Raymond. Stewart was not aware of the fact that Raymond was a little intimidated by his gregarious nature, his intellectual capacity and his physical capabilities. Stewart just wrote it off to their age difference.

  As the afternoon shadows grew longer, they walked in silence, observing the unfamiliar terrain, noticing how their familiar farmland was now turning into foothills. Rocks were becoming more pronounced with each mile. The mid-afternoon sun began to reveal the details in the silhouette of the mountains in the near distance, rather than the familiar view from afar. Stewart broke the silence by asking, “What’re you seeking in Wellspring?”

  “Oh, probably the same things everybody else seeks - the ability to earn more than by farming, the possibility of learning at a college, and more girls than we could find around the farm.”

  “Are you sure that’s the true order of your priorities?”

  Raymond laughed and could not hold back a revealing grin that indicated he might have listed his priorities in reverse order.

  Stewart continued, “I know that’s what everybody says, but is that what you really want?”

  “I guess so. What about you?”

  “Oh, I probably want those same things, but I know there has to be more. It seems you can work for your whole life and earn enough to support yourself and your family, but what of it? Those who get more never seem to have enough.”

  Raymond, after reflecting upon the conversation, thoughtfully added, “I guess I would like to find peace.”

  “What do you mean by that?”

  Raymond found himself a little defensive and offended that Stewart would not accept his answer at face value. “I mean I would like to feel secure and know that if, for some reason, I could not work, I could still have enough so I could eat, be comfortable and have nice things. I guess I would also like to be free from conflict.”

  Stewart responded. “When I think of peace, I think of something more difficult to explain. To me it means I would be doing the right thing with my life – like I am where I should be – not always wondering if I should be doing something else. That type of assurance would bring peace even in the midst of conflict.”

  Raymond asked, “How could we ever know?”

  “I wish we could.”

  The attention of the travelers was diverted to the approaching dusk. Stewart mentioned they should start to consider where to camp for the night. They decided to set camp while they still had enough light to gather firewood and build a fire. After a modest supper of beef jerky, roasted nuts and some apples, Raymond said, “It’s been a long day and we have a long day ahead of us. We had better get a good night’s sleep.”

  Stewart reclined in his sleeping bag, looking up at the cloudless night and the endless number of stars emerging in the darkening sky. Even though Stewart pacified Raymond by agreeing to try to sleep, he could not maintain silence. His mind was racing, “I just think of the possibilities ahead of us. I hate to sound trite, but our future is as limitless as the sky above us. Have you ever seen so many stars?”

  “We need to sleep.”

  Raymond’s response did not indicate his fatigue as much as different perspective of the situation. He could not sleep because he could only imagine the dangers and uncertainties that could emerge as they traveled further from the familiar valley. The thought of dangers seemed more real at night – not fear of darkness or what might actually be lurking out there at that moment. Rather, he envisioned himself facing these situations in daylight as if he were actually farther into the mountains at this moment.

  He thought, “What if there are cougars or bears in the mountains? What if the passes have been snowed over before we get there? There could be highwaymen. We could run out of food or get hopelessly lost.”

  Once the two finally fell asleep, it seemed like moments until they were awakened by their thoughts. Raymond was awakened by his fears and Stewart by his enthusiasm. Stewart did not need time to shake-off the sleep before he was up and ready to talk. “Gramps told me about the battle the two parts of our mind wage against each other. It seems the thoughts we have when we first awaken reveal our true attitude toward life. Our subconscious is still active before the conscious mind begins to attempt to control our thoughts. If we wake up fearful about something, it might take several hours to shake it. If we are excited about something, we might not be able to contain our enthusiasm.”

  Raymond simply nodded his head and moaned in acknowledgement, “Uh huh.”

  They broke camp and resumed their journey. They walked for about half an-hour as the morning sun began to warm them. They soon smelled a faint aroma from a camp fire. After walking a little further they could distinguish the smell of coffee brewing and bacon frying over an open flame. “Good morning,” hailed a stranger who was huddled by the campfire.

  “It appears the two of you have gotten an early start on the day. Would you like some coffee?”

  “Sure,” Replied Stewart. “Our fire died in the night and we took no time to rebuild it this morning.”

  As they were enjoying the coffee, Raymond asked the stranger his name.

  “Daryl Dailey,” he replied.

  Raymond said, “This is Stewart Taylor. I’m Raymond Warren.

  Stewart asked Daryl, “Which direction are you headed?”

  “Into the mountains, same as you,” was the reply.

  “Have you been through them before?” inquired Raymond.

  “No, I haven’t”

  Stewart asked, “Have you heard of Wellspring?”

  “Yes, I have.”

  “Wellspring!” added Stewart. “I hear tell if you gaze down on Wellspring at dusk, the light from the city reflects on the clouds like a candle on its reflector. She draws young men through those mountains like moths to a light.”

  “Yeah, I’ve heard something like that. Since I am traveling alone, why don’t we team up?” asked Daryl.

  “Sounds good to me,” replied Raymond. “There is safety in numbers.”

  “The more the merrier,” added Stewart.

  Stewart and Raymond began helping Daryl. Stewart broke camp an
d Raymond helped pack his gear. The two travelers now became three.

  Chapter Two



  The three men traveled together for three days. With each step, Stewart and Raymond left their farmland further behind and the terrain was increasingly mountainous with no more traces of foothills. As they walked they kept the conversation light. Stewart and Raymond knew almost everything about each other – their families, home and backgrounds.

  At first, they figured they would only be walking with Daryl a week or two and would then part company, so there was no need to get too familiar. Daryl and Raymond were closer in age than they were to Stewart. Each day, Stewart noticed the two seemed to be of like mind in most things they discussed. It was almost as if separated brothers had rediscovered each other.

  Late afternoon, about the time they usually started looking for a place to camp, they came to a fork in the trail. They had been following a trail adjacent to a river cutting a valley through the foothills and a pass into the mountains. The fork in the trail appeared as another trail veered off along a stream that fed into the river. Raymond said, “It looks good to the right. It looks like we could stay on lower ground. You can’t tell what might be ahead.”

  “Taking either trail would have its advantages and disadvantages.” added Daryl. “Why don’t we set up camp here tonight, decide on our course of action and begin fresh in the morning?”

  After a tasty supper of beef jerky, nuts and raisins, they reclined near the fire to ward off the brisk night air. Daryl opened the conversation, “Raymond, you seem to want to take the safer route.”

  “Yes, it seems the traveling would be easier, and the weather would be milder. I’m amazed how much cooler the temperature gets the higher we go. Even though it’s mid September, it feels like November would feel down below. You also never know what we might run into in the mountains.”